We respect your rights as a tenant and will always do our best to resolve any issues that may affect the quality of your tenancy. We believe that a satisfied and well looked after tenant will result in a better tenancy for all.
We take the management of tenanted properties seriously and we expect that your rent will be paid on time and you care for the property as if it were your own home. We will take the time to listen to your needs and concerns but will act quickly and sternly if you are not complying with your obligations as a tenant.
We understand that there may be things that you would like to do to the property to make it suit your needs. Landlords are generally understanding of this and always appreciate tenants that are interested in maintaining and improving the appearance of the property.
However it is important that you understand that any modifications and/or changes to the property need to be requested in writing and approved by the landlord. This includes installing wall hooks, changing curtains, removing trees, painting walls etc. If you are ever unsure about your rights in this area please contact your property manager to discuss prior to completing any work.
Regular communication is an essential part of ensuring your tenancy runs smoothly including repairs and maintenance issues and of course your intention to vacate a property but there may be other areas that require communication too.
The best way to contact us is via e-mail or a phone call to your property manager. It is important that all maintenance and alteration requests are submitted to our office in writing.
In a shared tenancy situation we recommend that you nominate one person to be responsible for communicating with us. In a shared tenancy all occupants listed as a tenant on the agreement are jointly responsible for any debt or damage to the property.
Sub Letting is not authorised.
If your circumstances change and you need to end your tenancy agreement early it is very important that you understand your tenancy obligations. When you break your lease you are terminating a legally binding contract between yourself and the landlord.
There are certain procedures and costs that are associated with breaking the lease and it is essential that you discuss this with your property manager before you consider an early termination. Your obligations and any possible costs involved will be outlined in your Residential Tenancy greement.
It is your responsibility to pay your rent on time. Rent is due on or before the due date. It is important to understand that you must pay your rent in advance not in arrears. It is also important to remember that the landlord has financial obligations to meet and they rely on rent being paid on time.
If you ever have problems paying your rent it is imperative that you contact your property manager to make payment arrangements. If your rent continues to fall behind we will advise the owner who may decide to terminate the tenancy.
Please remember that rental payments form part of your rental history and any rental arrears history will be considered unfavourably in future rental applications. Communication with us is the key.